A personal blog… Reflections on turning 40… How did I get here and what’s next?

Since turning 40 I’ve been reflecting and wanted to share some of my own personal journey which has helped me get to where I’m at today… It feels like it’s all happened fairly fast but the last 2 years have been punctuated with some significant moments, so I just wanted to capture and share in a blog… and hopefully this helps someone else who may be at a cross roads in life .

  • I started this insta account over 5 years ago when I recognised that fitness was a big part of my life and I thought I might have some useful tips, ideas, motivation, workouts, etc, to share with others… I had a corporate job, a new baby and zero fitness qualifications, but I knew fitness was a passion of mine and I had a strong belief I could  somehow help others.
  • I’d always liked the idea of teaching fitness and helping people physically, especially as I used to work out on my own in the garage! Throughout Covid / Lockdown I set up some WhatsApp groups which were originally meant to serve as motivation for friends to workout, but I got a buzz from it! Soon enough I was working out with friends occasionally and finding that I really enjoyed it. It made me wonder ‘what if…?!’
  • I let a coincidental event push me into doing something totally outside my comfort zone… My husband returned from the gym one evening after attending a sub-par spin class saying “I think you could teach a better class than that! It was rubbish!” 🤣 At the same time, I’d just started following a spin studio who was advertising their new spin course qualification… So I took it as a sign to say yes. I signed up for the course and I did it! And it was bloody hard! But I did it!
  • After my spin qualification, I got my Level 2 (gym / class teaching) qualification – again, quite an intensive course, studying/learning most nights once the kids were in bed – but I had a vision. I wanted to teach a couple of classes a week alongside my corporate work. I thought that would give me a sense of achievement and freedom, so that’s what I worked towards.
  • I took opportunities which arose after that – I was made aware of a spin teacher vacancy so I went for it. I was contacted about an opportunity to teach classes in a hotel gym… which I accepted… and which later led to the suggestion I should do my PT qualification…
  • I knew I wanted to work in the fitness world but I wasn’t brave enough to take the leap into it whilst I still had my corporate job. There were many benefits in my role, there were drawbacks too, but leaving it was waaay too much of a risk. And I quite liked the kind of hybrid approach!

Until July. I was made redundant. Boom. Out of nowhere. It was a complete shock, yes, but it’s in my nature to see the positives in situations, so although the redundancy wasn’t ideal, I also knew it was a huge opportunity to make a career for myself, doing what I absolutely love! So, watch this space… as I draw a line under one chapter and start a new one, I wanted to reiterate my mission to help as many people as possible feel great about themselves, build self confidence and mental resilience and live their lives in a way which puts them in control and gives them increased energy and vitality. And I will do this in 3 ways…

  1. Online coaching – work with me on a 1:1 basis to build better habits, become healthier, happier, stronger and more positive through regular habit tracking, mindset work, personalised goal setting and individual weekly check ins.
  2. Personal Training – I can arrange 1:1 or 2:2 sessions in a lovely boutique, personal training gym in Chester.
  3. Come to a class! I’d love to get to know more people and understand what your goals and aspirations are – classes are a great way to feel part of a team and they are always full of the nicest people!

MY TIP based on the above reflections… follow your passion. If you believe you can help people, or if you feel you have something others might find useful, do something about it! Start small. Start the insta account, create a facebook group, find out about other local people who might share your passion. Do it because it makes you happy, there doesn’t have to be another reason.