I listened to a podcast the other day (link below) and it inspired me to share this information as I found it totally fascinating! I think most of us believe that metabolism changes over time; that it is faster when we are younger (this is true) and that it slows gradually as we age (this is false)…
We know this because there was a huge study on metabolism undertaken in 2021 (the largest of it’s kind) and it concluded that metabolism does NOT change between the ages of 20-60. So, contrary to popular belief, a slowing metabolsim is not the reason we find it harder to lose weight and feel good as we get older. We cannot blame metabolism (or simply our age) for this!
Weight gain does still happen though and the main reason many of us put on weight is largely down to lifestyle changes, additional stress and changes in our movement patterns... that’s because we tend to move less, consume more, sleep less, exercise less frequently and less intensively, lead busier lives, and we tend to have less time for ourselves as we focus more on others.
If we turn some of that outward attention inwards, we can all take steps to improve our own health and wellbeing… Simple, right?! In principle, yes – in practice, no! It’s about understanding and changing behaviours and attitudes, developing healthier habits, cultivating a healthier environment and being more aware of our health and wellbeing at all levels, which is not easy when we have so much other stuff to juggle! It is a lot to focus on, hence why having a coach can be beneficial (but that’s another blog entirely!).
My advice here – start small. Build as you go. Make some changes, start to cultivate a healither lifestyle. Remember there are no ‘quick fixes’… Being healthy and fit is a lifestyle, never a fad, and we shouldn’t under estimate the impact of small behaviour shifts, especially as we get older. We need to look after ourselves and accept that we are in full control of our own health, weight and fitness and mindset – this cannot be blamed on ‘old age’ or the ‘inevitable’ middle age spread or a ‘slow metabolism’ – weight can be gained and it can be lost, but you have more control over that than you may think!
Take control, make an effort to be the best version of you and if you’d like help with knowing where to start, please feel free to message me. I’d love to help.
Find out more about the metabolism stufy here: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/surprising-findings-about-metabolism-and-age-202110082613
Listen to the podcast here: https://drchatterjee.com/how-to-eat-to-boost-your-bodys-natural-defences-avoid-the-foods-that-weaken-them-with-dr-william-li/