When embarking on a fat loss journey, it’s important to understand a few principles – here are 5 which you may not have heard before, but I’d encourage you to take onboard…
- You have to be prepared to commit to it, fully.
If you sign up with a coach, they will help and guide you through the process and (hopefully!) simplify things for you so it’s not too overwhelming. However, coaches, no matter how good they are, don’t have a magic wand – the work still has to be done by YOU. You need to be prepared to buy in to it. Because it will absolutely be worth it!
- You must believe you are capable of change.
No matter what you’ve tried in the past, you can still effect a change in how you look and feel – usually made much easier with the right support. However, if you have a positive mindset and believe you can achieve your goals, it becomes a lot easier to demonstrate the behaviours which will lead to you achieving what you set out. ANYONE can change, no matter their age, size, history, genetics… it is absolutely possible – so believe it for yourself too!
- You must give it chance. Trust the process.
Many people fail because their expectations are too high and unrealistic; when they don’t see results as quickly as they expect, they give up. Please don’t do this! I tell clients from the outset that fat loss takes time, especially if you want to enjoy life at the same time (which is so important – of course we want that!)! Focusing on the basics and doing this day in, day out will deliver fat loss results. Progress may be slower than eating in a massive deficit, but it will be enjoyable and sustainable and progress is still progress!
- Focus on feeling.
A huge part of the Thrive in 5 programme for me is around how clients FEEL. Usually, when people give priority to their health and fitness, they begin to feel better. They are moving more, they are exerting control over their lives, making better decisions, they are showing discipline, working their muscles, eating healthier food and the wellbeing impact this can have is HUGE!!!! Probably even more important than fat loss. Do these things to feel good, keep doing them to feel good – and a welcome side effect will be fat loss – promise!
- You do not have to be ‘perfect’ – don’t fall into the ‘f*ck it bucket!’
Life happens. Do what you can to nail the basics and tick the boxes every day – the rewards are worth it – but if you can’t do this and life gets in the way, don’t panic! It’s better to be consistent over the long term, than be ‘perfect’ for a few days a week… The likelihood is, those ‘perfect’ days will be wiped out by the ‘ah sod it’ days which follow and progress will slow or stop. If you are patiently working towards to your goals each day, then this will compound over time, resulting in steady fat loss. If you have a day where your goals haven’t been met, but you’ve done what you can, draw a line under it, start again the day after. It’s all about mindset.
Good luck on your fat loss journey! If I can help in any way, please get in touch.