Become the best version of YOU!

My mission is to help you improve your health and fitness levels, for good, whilst living your life to the fullest. No fads – I promise!

Have you ever tried to lose weight? Have you tried fad diets? Have you tried cutting out whole food groups in a bid to ‘shed the pounds’? Lots of those methods work in the short term and some do have benefits, but many of them simply aren’t sustainable. If you’re stuck in a diet rut, I want to help you change for good.

Most people struggle with dieting and will often put the weight back on once a diet is over, but I will teach you how to lose weight and keep it off, in turn leading to better habits and a healthier life.

Making the necessary lifestyle changes in order to feel happier, healthier and more fulfilled isn’t rocket science, but it always helps to have someone in your corner. No silly diets, nonsense advice or huge overnight lifestyle changes here thank you! I will get to know you on a personal level and offer practical advice relevant to your circumstances.

I’m a firm believer that small changes in habits can lead to a completely different mindset. You need to want to improve your lifestyle and be open to change and trying new things… I’m not saying weight loss is always easy, it takes discipline and patience, but if you want it, I am here to help.

Online coaching

I offer a one to one, structured coaching programme to understand your health and fitness goals and put plans in place to help you achieve them. Through online and verbal consultations, I will get to know you on a personal level, understand what has and hasn’t worked for you in the past and help you fine tune current habits and develop new, healthy ones, one step at a time. No huge, immediate lifestyle overhauls (as that’s likely to be overwhelming), but simply building up and improving as we go along. Monitoring food intake, general day-to-day movement and ensuring regular fitness sessions will be a crucial part of the process.

PT sessions & fitness advice

I’m a fully qualified Personal Trainer and I'm always happy to help! You can reach out to me with questions or queries at any time! I’m happy to work with you on a more bespoke basis too; e.g. one to one fitness / PT sessions, personal consultations, workout schedules and plans, gym advice, nutritional advice, etc. I offer block bookings of 5 or 10 sessions at a discounted rate - get in touch for info!

Fitness classes

I currently teach at a few venues in Chester; check out my Instagram page for a list of current classes (link below) – I’d love to see you there! In my classes, I like to push people out of their comfort zones and make sure they feel exhilarated and accomplished at the end! No one ever regretted a workout – my philosophy is; if you’ve made the effort to come to a class, you may as well put the work in, push yourself, work up a sweat and reap the benefits of those endorphins at the end!