Become the best version of YOU!
I am passionate about helping people get the most out of life. Let me help you!
Why choose me?
I believe in educating people and enabling them to make better lifestyle choices. It’s the only way to ensure results are maintained and sustainable in the long term.
It may sound controversial, but I firmly believe there is a way to have it all – there’s no need to over-restrict what you eat or drink, or cut out whole food groups, or exercise like a maniac in order to achieve results. Positive lifestyle changes, adhered to consistently, will undoubtedly result in you feeling and looking your best, physically and mentally.
There are no quick fixes – it takes time and patience – and that’s exactly what I want to help you with.
My fitness history
I have a corporate background and I’ve worked in Financial Services my whole career, however my true passion has always been health and fitness. I studied A-Level PE and Biology back in the day with a view to entering the industry, but my life took a different turn! Motivating and helping other people is something I passionately LOVE and so I’m excited to take this step and launch my own business.
I know how hard it can be to lose weight. I put on 25kgs (4 stone) in both of my pregnancies and I worked hard to lose it again. I know it takes time, patience and consistency it really helps having someone in your corner while you learn what works for you.
I live in Chester with my husband and two young boys and I always try to practice what I preach! I drink alcohol, I eat chocolate and crisps (pretty often actually!), but I also understand the importance of healthy nutrition and moving my body regularly – it’s all about finding a balance which works for you on a personal level. One size definitely does not fit all. I promise to meet you where you are and encourage you to make positive changes which are not overwhelming.